WCWCD Quail Lake to Ivins Regional Pipeline
WCWCD Quail Lake to Ivins Regional Pipeline
Washington County Water Conservancy District
The Quail Lake to Ivins Regional Pipeline project was designed to bring water from the Quail Creek Water Treatment Plant to the communities of Washington, St. George, and Ivins. The design and bidding of the overall project was divided into three separate phases. The first two phases included the design and installation of approximately 39,900 lineal feet of 60 inch diameter steel pipe and approximately 14,160 lineal feet of 30” diameter steel pipe with appurtenances. The third phase included the design and installation of approximately 40,000 lineal feet of 30” diameter ductile iron pipe and approximately 35,000 lineal feet of 24” diameter ductile iron pipe, with associated appurtenances. The project also consisted of the construction of two 32’x40’ cast in place concrete pump stations and a 500,000 gallon concrete water storage tank. Alpha Engineering also assisted the owner with construction management and surveying for the project.