WCSD Horizon Elementary
WCSD Horizon Elementary
Washington County School District
Alpha Engineering assisted the Washington County School District in acquisition of the 15-acre elementary school parcel located in the Washington Fields area from the BLM through the Recreation and Public Purposes Act. This included coordination with the BLM, completion of environmental studies and application for the R&PP lease. Upon approval of the lease, Alpha Engineering completed the civil design and construction management of the new elementary school. Design of this facility included assisting the Architect, Naylor Wentworth Lund Architects with layout and design of the building, parking lots, multi-use play field and track. Alpha Engineering provided the civil design plans for the project including hydrology studies, finish grading, drainage and utility design. This project had large off-site drainages that had to be piped or routed through the site to allow for development of the finished site. The site design included design of a large detention facility to detain some of the off-site flows. Alpha Engineering also assisted the Architect with bidding and construction management for the project.