WCSD Hurricane High School Remodel
WCSD Hurricane High School Remodel
Washington County School District
Alpha Engineering completed the design and construction management of the recent remodel of Hurricane High School located in downtown Hurricane on State Street (SR-9) between 300 West and 700 West in Hurricane, Utah. This project included working with adjacent property owners to acquire additional property to make the addition possible. As part of the project, the football field was relocated to the property that was previously used as one of UDOT’s maintenance facilities. The baseball field and softball field were also relocated with the site re-design. Design of this facility included assisting the Architect, Naylor Wentworth Lund Architects with layout and design of the parking lots, ball fields, and other site amenities. Alpha Engineering provided the civil design plans for the project including hydrology studies, finish grading, drainage and utility design. This project also included the installation of 1,300 lineal feet of 18”, 24”, and 36” reinforced concrete storm drain pipe through the project that serves upstream development as well as the school district facilities. Alpha Engineering also assisted the Architect with bidding and construction management for the project.